現任教牧同工 Current Pastoral Staff

Eric Lin –   林春騰
Job Info:  
Pastoral Staff
Position Title: Senior Pastor – 牧師
Contact Info:
   Phone:  303-494-8372
   Email:   Elin9108@gmail.com

Personal Info:

Brian Johnson
Job Info:           
Pastoral Staff
Position Title: Youth Director
Contact Info:
   Email:   brianjohnsongrace@gmail.com

Personal Info:
Brian was first called to be in ministry in his youth at the age of 17, he started a high school bible study group and evangelical ministry at the local shopping mall inviting youth to be a part of his youth group. Brian went to Bible college at Frontier School of the Bible in La Grange, Wyoming. He began his adult ministry at Zion Evangelical Church in Scottsbluff, Nebraska, and from there he moved back home to Colorado to become a Youth Minister at Fairmount Bible Church in Golden, Colorado. On March 15, 2024, he accepted the Youth Minister position here at BCEFC. His life long passion is to serve God, to teach His Word, and to share Christ with the lost sinners. His heart’s desire is to see our youth grow in the Lord, to become future leaders, not only in the Church, but also in the community. His vision in ministry is transformation, not just information. To motivate our youth to understand the Word of God and have compassion for the unsaved world. His family includes his spouse Laura and three grown children. He recently moved with his family to Mead, Colorado.



Jueiling Pan – 潘瑞苓
Job Info:           Pastoral Staff
Position Title:  Minister
Contact Info:
   Phone:  303-494-8372
   Email:   jueiling.pan@gmail.com

Personal Info:

瑞苓傳道出生臺灣,畢業於國立中山大學外文系,於1989年到美國,在SUNY-Buffalo取得文化人類學碩士,1998年搬到科州,在2002年因參加國際研經團契 (BSF) 的學習而信主,此後一直在BSF與她的母教會服事。2013年她回應 神的呼召來裝備自己,開始在丹佛神學院  (Denver Seminary) 學習,2022年春在報德華人播道會實習,同年修得道學碩士學位,並於20233月年加入播道會的教牧團隊。瑞苓傳道的負擔在諮商、教導、婦女、兒童事工及關愛。瑞苓傳道和先生黃允青住在Superior,有兩位成年女兒及女婿。



前任教牧同工 Former Pastoral Staff

Henry Chou – 周逹恆
Job Info :          Pastoral Staff
Position Title: Pastor Emeritus – 榮譽牧師

Personal Info:
周牧師生於貴州,在香港長大,是中文大學社會學系的畢業生 。大學第四年級奉獻, 來美國進修聖經,回港後在中國主日學協會,香港播道神學院服侍主。與家人在1973年 移民加拿大,在教科書出版社任職以便學習出版,1978年在亞省卡城華人播道會牧會, 1987年來本地幫助查經班成立教會。2003年擔任北美華人播道會聯會總幹事之職,2007 至2009任加州羅省華人播道會臨時主任牧師。自退休後,周牧師仍為各地教會服務, 並繼續寫人生探索欄。






Tony Yang  –  杨腾
Job Info:           Pastoral Staff
Position Title:  Former Pastor – 離職牧師
Personal Info:

Contact Info: 


Bright Hua – 花長燦
Job Info:         Pastoral Staff
Position Title: Retired Pastor – 前任退休牧師
Contact Info
   Email:   brighthua621(at)yahoo.com

Personal Info:
花牧师是台灣高雄市人。1974年夏與王琦珍女士結婚,育有兩子,Alex及Austin。1984年獲伊利諾大學(UIUC)機械工程博士學位。 1984至2010年任職Honeywell航太部門機械工程師。 1985年6月2日在鳳城華人基督教會受洗。 1985至2010年在鳳城華人基督教會兼職事奉,歷任福音大會協調,執事,主日學教師,團牧,及長老各職。2008年8月獲鳳城神學院(Phoenix Seminary) 道學碩士學位. 2010年11月起,蒙召全職事奉,任報德華人播道會牧師。


Kyle Murphy
Job Info:          Pastoral Staff
Position Title: Former Youth Director
Contact Info:

Personal Info:
Kyle Murphy began his ministry as Youth Director at Boulder Chinese Evangelical Free Church in January of 2010. Since then, he has been faithfully serving the middle and high school students of BCEFC, leading them into a deeper understanding and commitment to Christ.
In 2006, while studying Radio Television and Film at Texas Christian University, Kyle received a call into pastoral ministry. That call brought him back to Colorado, and in 2009, Kyle graduated from Colorado Christian University with a degree in Youth Ministry. During his time there, Kyle spent time serving with different churches and ministries in the area, including his home church in Colorado Springs. Kyle has a heart for missions, and God has blessed him with opportunities to serve God through short-term missions across Colorado and the rest of the United States, as well as in Mexico and the Dominican Republic.
Kyle was married to his wonderful wife, Erica, in 2010. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and Elementary Education from the University of Colorado-Boulder and is a 1st/2nd grade teacher at Eagle Crest Elementary in Longmont. Erica is currently working on her Master’s Degree in Literacy. She has a warm and welcoming heart and a passion for God. Erica has been incredibly supportive of Kyle and his ministry at BCEFC.


Clay Thacker
Job Info:          Pastoral Staff
Position Title: Former Youth Director
Contact Info:
    Email:  Jthacker482@students.sbts.edu

Personal Info:

Clay was called into the ministry during a youth retreat with his home church from West Virginia when he was in ninth grade.  He attended college at Marshall University in Huntington, WV, and God used that time to grow his heart for missions.  After graduating from Marshall in 2015, Clay attended The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY, graduating with a Master of Divinity degree in 2018.  While taking seminary courses online for the last 2 years of that time, Clay served in the youth ministry in the church where he had grown up.  After graduating in 2018, he went to live in the Dominican Republic, serving in a ministry where American students were able to learn the Spanish language and the Bible.

Clay was first connected with BCEFC in late 2019, eventually becoming the Youth Pastor in 2020.  The youth and families of BCEFC have left an indelible mark on his life, and he could not be more proud to have served at such a wonderful church.  While serving at BCEFC, God worked in his life in such a way that he could not deny a call back to the foreign mission field.  Clay and his wife, Karleigh, who were married in 2023, are currently serving God in the Dominican Republic.  Clay serves as a Bible teacher at a Christian School and as the head coach of a soccer ministry, and Karleigh serves in an anti-trafficking ministry.

